Gas-cooled Fast Reactor Demonstrator

ALLEGRO is a concept of a demonstration unit of the GFR (gas-cooled fast reactor) technology, developed in Europe.

With the aim to prove viability, safety, and reliability of the whole concept of a high temperature, gas-cooled, fast spectrum reactor. Its main goals can be divided into three main categories:

  1. Prove viability of the technology via production of high-potential heat and utilization of reprocessed fuel
  2. Finish validation of key components such as innovative fuel and core materials
  3. Test and further improve GFR-related technology such as heat exchangers, sealings, valves etc.
The idea is to start the reactor with the maximum possible usage of proven and standardized materials and technologies, to achieve a reasonable level of reliability and to be able to start the construction of the reactor in foreseeable future. This includes the “two cores” strategy, which counts with a driver core composed of well-proven oxide fuel in steel cladding, that will finish the qualification of an innovative ceramic fuel developed specifically for GFRs.
Technical Data

Main Parameters of ALLEGRO

75 MW

Thermal power

0 MW

Electrical power

100 MW/㎥

Power density

MOX in steel cladding

Fuel – driver core

UPUC in SiC-SiCf cladding

Fuel – refractory core


Primary circuit coolant

Full Scale Application

The Plant Layout

The whole facility consists of the primary circuit enclosed in a primary containment called the Guard vessel. It serves as the primary containment as well as a safety system. It is then encapsulated in the secondary containment serving for protection from external hazards and comprising auxiliary systems such as the fresh and spent fuel storage. The power conversion system is located in an adjacent building.  

Unique Safety Features

Fully Passive DHR System

ALLEGRO takes advantage of highly innovative patented solution for gas-cooled reactors with coaxial ducts. The fully passive decay heat removal (DHR) system with increased reliability practically eliminates the possibility of severe accident.

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